Engagement Plan from 31 March 2022 to 30 March 2023

Landlord name

Argyll Community Housing Association Ltd

Publication date

31 March 2022

Regulatory status


The RSL meets regulatory requirements, including the Standards of Governance and Financial Management.

Why we are engaging with Argyll Community Housing Association Ltd (ACHA)

We are engaging with ACHA because it is a systemically important landlord.

We refer to a small number of RSLs as systemically important because of their stock size, turnover or level of debt or because of their significance within their area of operation.  We need to maintain a comprehensive understanding of how their business models operate, and how they manage the risks they face and the impact these may have.  So we seek some additional assurance each year through our engagement plans.  Given ACHA’s significance in its area of operation we consider it to be systemically important.

What ACHA must do

ACHA must provide copies of its Board and audit committee minutes as they become available.

What we will do

We will:

  • review the minutes of the Board and audit committee meetings and liaise as necessary;
  • meet with ACHA’s senior staff to discuss progress with its business plan and any risks to the organisation; and
  • update our published engagement plan in light of any material change to our planned engagement with ACHA.

Regulatory returns

ACHA must provide us with the following annual regulatory returns and alert us to notifiable events as appropriate:

  • Annual Assurance Statement;
  • audited financial statements and external auditor’s management letter;
  • loan portfolio return;
  • five year financial projections; and
  • Annual Return on the Charter.

It should also notify us of any material changes to its Annual Assurance Statement, and any tenant and resident safety matter which has been reported to or is being investigated by the Health and Safety Executive or reports from regulatory or statutory authorities or insurance providers, relating to safety concerns.


Our lead officer fro Argyll Community Housing Association Ltd is:

Stephen Lalley

Regulation Manager