New dates for FYFP returns 2022 - letter to landlords 25 January 2022


25 January 2022

New FYFP return dates - January 2022 - letter to landlords


Dear Colleague

We are taking this opportunity to update you on the 2022 FYFP return.

The return will be available for completion from the 1st March to 31st May 2022.  Taking on board comments received we have made the decision to bring forward the opening date as well as the closing date and we are removing the need for you to update your closing cash figure at 31st March 2022.  This will give you the opportunity to complete and approve the return prior to the end of the financial year if you so wish and should remove any need to take it back to your Management Committee to approve the amendments based only on changes to your outturn figures.

By bringing forward the closing date, this will enable us to undertake our analysis of the data earlier and will give us the opportunity to engage with you at an earlier stage where any potential issues are identified.

The return is broadly the same as last year, however there are a small number of amendments and some additional fields are included.

One of the changes we have incorporated based on your feedback on the form is related to the comments fields. This year the comment field can be selected by clicking on the chat icon to the right hand side of the input line. The comment field will appear below the related line.

Additionally, 2 questions on estimates of costs for achieving net carbon zero are included.

Please note that the FYFP User Guide will be updated accordingly in advance of the release date and this year a link to the User Guide will be available in the “Introduction” page of the return.  

The return will be available to access it for three months, however, please notify us in advance if you anticipate any difficulty in submitting the return by the deadline.

Please refer to the FAQ document initially for queries.  This will be available on our website and in the guidance section of the Portal.

Please refer to the FAQ document initially for queries.  This will be available on our website and in the guidance section of the Portal.

Yours sincerely



Nigel Gregory

Scottish Housing Regulator