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Homes and rents

At 31 March 2024 this landlord owned 1,685 homes.

The total rent due to this landlord for the year was £7,325,280.

The landlord increased its weekly rent on average by 5.5% from the previous year.

Average weekly rents

Size of home Number of homes owned This landlord Scottish average Difference from Scottish average
1 apartment 7 £66.71 £82.24 -18.9%
2 apartment 793 £78.65 £87.87 -10.5%
3 apartment 575 £88.72 £90.29 -1.7%
4 apartment 278 £98.68 £98.30 0.4%
5 apartment 32 £110.33 £108.29 1.9%

Tenant satisfaction

Of the tenants who responded to this landlord's most recent satisfaction survey:

Overall service

86.9% said they were satisfied with the overall service it provided, compared to the Scottish average of 86.5%.

Keeping tenants informed

95.8% felt that this landlord was good at keeping them informed about its services and outcomes compared to the Scottish average of 90.5%.

Opportunities to participate

97.8% of tenants were satisfied with the opportunities to participate in this landlord's decision making, compared to the Scottish average of 87.7%.

Quality and maintenance of homes

Scottish Housing Quality Standard

99.1% of this landlord's homes met the Scottish Housing Quality Standard compared to the Scottish average of 84.4%.

Emergency repairs

The average time this landlord took to complete emergency repairs was 1.7 hours, compared to the Scottish average of 4.0 hours.

Non-emergency repairs

The average time this landlord took to complete non-emergency repairs was 4.5 days, compared to the Scottish average of 9.0 days.

Reactive repairs 'right first time'

This landlord completed 91.8% of reactive repairs 'right first time' compared to the Scottish average of 88.4%.

Repair or maintenance satisfaction

89.0% of tenants who had repairs or maintenance carried out were satisfied with the service they received, compared to the Scottish average of 87.3%.


Percentage of anti-social behaviour cases resolved

100.0% of anti-social behaviour cases relating to this landlord were resolved, compared to the national average of 94.3%.

Value for money

Total rent collected

The amount of money this landlord collected for current and past rent was equal to 100.4% of the total rent it was due in the year, compared to the Scottish average of 99.4%.

Rent not collected: empty homes

It did not collect 0.5% of rent due because homes were empty, compared to the Scottish average of 1.4%.

Re-let homes

It took an average of 24.5 days to re-let homes, compared to the Scottish average of 56.7 days.

Landlord details

RSL Registration Number
Landlord Name
Williamsburgh Housing Association Ltd
Senior Officer
Mr Jonathan Grant
Date Registered
8 Jun 1979
FCA / Company Number
Scottish Charity Number
Landlord type
Constitution Type
Registered Society - Charitable - General
Asset Owning
National Operator
Statutory Intervention
Systemic Importance
Annual Turnover
£8.28 million
Debt per unit
Total staff employed by the RSL
44.40 (FTE)
Units partly owned
Registered address
Ralston House, Cyril Street, Paisley, PA1 1RW
Correspondence address
Ralston House, Cyril Street, Paisley, PA1 1RW

Housing stock

Housing stock (as at 31 March 2024)

Local authority area Self-contained units Non self-contained units Non self-contained bed spaces
Renfrewshire 1,684 0 0
Total 1,684 0 0
Type of provision Self-contained units Non self-contained units Non self-contained bed spaces
General 1,351 0 0
Sheltered 0 0 0
Very Sheltered 0 0 0
Sheltered Wheelchair 0 0 0
Amenity Housing 0 0 0
Community Alarm 4 0 0
Wheelchair 77 0 0
Ambulant Disabled 252 0 0
Other Specially Adapted 0 0 0
Total 1,684 0 0