Monthly returns forms on the impact of the Coronavirus - letter to all social landlords


30 April 2020

SHR letter to landlords about the monthly Coronavirus (Covid-19) information returns

Dear colleague,

Monthly Coronavirus COVID-19 Information Return

We wrote to you on 15 April 2020 advising you about the new short monthly landlord information return. This is to help us understand the impact of the Coronavirus on landlord’s services and to support the work of the Social Housing Resilience Group.

The monthly return is now available on the Portal for completion at month end.

Monthly Return

To ensure ease of completion, where possible we have aligned the return closely with descriptions and calculations contained in the Annual Return on the Charter Technical Guidance. We set out further guidance on definitions and on submitting the form in annex A.

We ask that you submit the return within 7 days of the end of each month. So, we are asking that you submit the first return for April by 7 May. Please let us know if this causes you any difficulty.

We will use the first month’s submission to pilot the return, so please let us know of any issues in completing or submitting the return.

If in doubt about how to complete any part of the return, please contact your SHR lead regulator.

Supplementary one-off Return (for RSLs only)

In the monthly return for RSLs we are asking for a cash balance figure at the end of each month. This information will help us to understand the impact on the financial health of RSLs. To help us put this in context we need RSLs to provide us with a one-off return to give us information on the timing of employment-related payments. You only need to provide us with this return once, and we do not need this return each month. We set out more information on this return in annex B.

We would also like you to submit this return to us by 7 May. Please let your Finance lead know if this causes you any difficulty.

We would like to thank those landlords who helped us to test the return in advance of the issue to all landlords. Thank you for your help in providing this information, and please stay safe.

Ian Brennan,

Director of Regulation